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Friday, March 21, 2008

Movie outing for the Ewes?

I just heard that "The Friday Night Knitting Club" by Kate Jacobs is the basis of a film to be released this year: "Taking place in a New York City yarn shop, Jacobs' characters surprise themselves by becoming a very tight-knit (pun intended) community of love and support for each other. None other than (real-life knitter) Julia Roberts will be portraying Georgia Walker, who goes out on a limb to create a yarn shop before the current popularity of knitting made that seem like a good investment. A variety of women and men populate the environs of the shop and become a cohesive group. The release of the movie could advance the knitting cause once again!" I didn't think the book was all that great, but it WAS a New York Times bestseller, and maybe the movie will be better. Let's look for it and maybe plan a movie night together!