Next Knitting Circle:
Monday, October 29, 2007
Jackie A gifts the Ewes
Thursday, October 25, 2007
NYS Sheep & Wool Festival review
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I got this message from a friend of mine:
Hi, I had an uncomfortable experience last night in a restaurant with another couple. I took out my mindless knitting project to work on between courses when the other couple complained that I was being rude, that my knitting was going to take my attention away from them. Even after I explained how automatically I knit without looking, they were not assuaged. They insisted that knitting should take place in one's home. I stopped knitting, of course, because, as they say, perception is everything. But I wasn't happy. I felt that the other couple had somehow stepped over the line in trying to teach me proper behavior. And I lost many precious hours of work. Has this ever happened to you, my knitter friends? Do you have any comments regarding this confrontation? Please do not hesitate to say what you think.
I answered:
And she said:Hi - not that I agree with them, because I don't consider it rude in that circumstance. But if it made them uncomfortable, then that should be taken into account, and I think you did the right thing by stopping.
Question: do you knit in temple? That question has come up in our Fellowship knitting group (the "UU Ewes").....our minister has said he wouldn't mind, but others disagree.
Thanks for your response to my query. I did stop knitting at the rest't to appease the friends but I was miffed. When we went back to their home afterwards, I left the knitting in the car and felt badly that I was missing so much time. Oh, well. It takes all kinds.
No, I do not knit in temple and never would. That is not a social setting.
Any comments from the Ewes?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Kripalu Knitting Weekend Jan. 11-13, 2008
I am seriously thinking of attending Karen Allen's (yes from Raider's of the Lost Ark fame, although clearly she has moved on!) knitting class at Kripalu. I'm due for a healthy food, yoga, winter in MA fix again. Here's the course blurb from the Kripalu catalog:
Talk it up.Come enjoy the yogic aspects of knitting and celebrate the imaginative and artistic possibilities of color, pattern, and design. Join Karen Allen, experienced knitter, designer, artist, actress, and workshop leader, for a weekend of knitting, conversation, and creative discovery.
You will learn and practice the techniques of "tying on" and "weaving in" of intarsia (multicolor) knitting (used by extraordinary knitters such as Kaffe Fassett). You will also experience how using your own sense of color with simple geometric patterns can open you to new creative freedom and possibility.
Knitting teens are warmly welcomed and must be accompanied by an adult. All participants should have strong basic knitting skills: knitting and purling, casting on and off.
Note Bring a notebook, as many colors of same weight yarn as possible (some yarn will be available for purchase), and needles appropriate to the weights of yarn you want to work with (medium to lightweight yarns are best). Bring any geometric patterns you are interested in trying.
Her web site is
Services Auction Basket (11/17/07)
I offered to collect the items for the basket, so do let me know how you might be able to contribute! Thank ewe! (I guess we really have to stop the "ewe" puns.)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Here's your chance to "blog" about knitting! Please share your favorites: yarn, local yarn stores, online stores, knitting sites, patterns, knitting tips, sales, and links!
Any questions or suggestions, let us know. We look forward to hearing from you!